Wednesday, September 8, 2010

first day of sculpture class...

i had my first day of sculpture class today and i absolutely loveeeddddd it. my teacher is awesome, shes super chill and we just listen to music while we work. today she had still lifes of fruit and shells and stuff and we were to just sculpt wat we saw by adding clay on top of clay. next class were going to sculpt by "subtraction" which is where you have a big chunk of clay and you carve things out of it instead of adding to it, or making actual 3D objects. its a super long class is the only thing its from 9am-230pm. but it gives us alot of time to get projects done and we have a 30 minute lunch break so its actually pretty relaxing. I had italian right after that so rushed from building to building bc some of the classes are super spread out through florence. italian wasnt too stressful though very chill class and theres all bentley students in that one so its good to see everyone since sometimes i dont even see bentley students bc were all spread out in our homestays. i was exhasusted after class so came back and took a nice long nap! and than had dinner. dinner is always funny, the japanese couple was rambling on about things, Darlene was talking so fast in english i could barely understand her (shes always so frazzled! anna thinks shes too much bc she never understands anythingggg she saying but darlene continues to talk in english a million miles a minute to her hahah), and laurens italian is very impressive so her and anna were talking abd i was just just listening to it all trying to absorb wat i can! i just packed all my clothes for the weeekend b/c i leave for amalfi tomorrow at 6pm right after my classes are done so had to have everything ready. Im still super exhausted so im going to get some sleep have to get up a lil before 8am tomorrow i always have t o leave about 25minutes to get to class bc its a decent walk. ciao!

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